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Brampton Primary Academy

Educating, Enriching and Empowering for the Future

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Attendance & Punctuality

At Brampton Primary Academy we believe that in order to ensure children continue to make good progress and reach their potential, good attendance and punctuality is essential. Children cannot achieve their full potential if they do not regularly attend school, on time.


Please see below for further information on attendance, absence and punctuality. 


If you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss your child's attendance, or would like support in this area, please email: to arrange a meeting with Miss Hannabuss-Penn (Inclusion Lead & DSL) or Mrs Bucknor (Attendance Officer) and we will be happy to assist you.

Attendance Matters


Although we strive for 100% attendance at Brampton Primary Academy, our attendance target is 97%, which exceeds the National Average of 96.2%.


There are 190 school days each year, leaving approximately 175 days for family time, holidays, trips and appointments.


For this academic year, 2023-2024, we have introduced termly attendance letters to inform you of your child's attendance. You will receive a letter aligned to our attendance policy (lilac, green, yellow, amber or red). As outlined in the documents below, these are informative. Improving the attendance of all children is a collaborative approach involving the school and home. 


Please help us meet our target, and help your child meet their target, by ensuring they are in school on time every day.

Punctuality Matters


It is not only days that matter, every minute counts. Arriving on time (by 8:45am) means children can walk into class with their friends. This increases their sense of belonging and creates a calm start to the day. Essential teaching such as phonics begins promptly after registration. Your child deserves the very best, so it is paramount they are in school, and on time. 



Medical/Dental Appointments:

If you know your child is going to be absent from school for a dental/medical appointment please inform the school office and bring a copy of the appointment card/copy of the confirmation email/letter. Wherever possible, appointments should be made outside school hours unless it is an emergency.



If your child is going to be off sick, please call the school office (0208 303 2873) before 9:30am on the first day of absence. You will be asked for the reason for the absence and when you expect your child to return. Please see the documents below for more information regarding our absence procedures.



Government and London Borough of Bexley guidance states that no holidays should be taken during term-time. The school will not authorise any holidays during term time. If there are exceptional circumstances that require your child to be absent from school for a short period of time, please complete our holiday request form, at least two weeks prior. This form can be requested or collected from the school office.


Attendance Surgeries:

As mentioned in the document below regarding attendance procedures, where a child's attendance falls below 93.9% attendance, parents will be invited to the school to attend an attendance surgery with Mrs Bucknor (Attendance Officer) and/or Miss Hannabuss-Penn (Inclusion Lead and DSL). The purpose of the attendance surgery is so that the school can support parents for how they can improve their child's attendance. 


Education Welfare Officer (EWO): Our EWO is Shona Sweden. Where attendance falls below 92.4% (or persistent absence (PA) is above 15%) we seek guidance from our EWO as part of the ongoing support she provides to our school.

Brampton Primary Academy - Absence Procedures

Brampton Primary Academy - Attendance Procedures

Brampton Primary Academy - Attendance, Absence and Punctuality Policy