Rule of Law
Rule of Law PSHE Links
Behaviour Approach & School Rules
Brampton’s behaviour approach contributes to pupils’ understanding of the need for rules and laws. Assemblies are frequently used to remind pupils of the expectations, either by the assembly focusing on behaviour or by the assembly lead providing a short reminder or ‘Rapid Retrieval’ of the rules.
The school has three rules: Ready, Respectful and Responsible. These rules act as an easy-to-remember umbrella for all expectations in school. Pupils know the rules and can share examples of different ways to demonstrate the rules.
Celebration of Desired Behaviour
The school recognises and celebrates desired behaviour and attitudes by displaying recognition boards in classrooms to highlight positive behaviour and attitudes only, reducing attention given to negative behaviour and attitudes; and celebrating desired behaviour and attitudes in assemblies and through certificates and notes of recognition.
Police Visits
Visits from London Metropolitan Police provide pupils in Reception and Year 1 with an opportunity to engage with the local police. This year, Careers Week will include a visit from the local police for both an opportunity to promote careers within the force and promote the Rule of Law.
School Council Visit to Bexley Civic Offices & Westminster
The School Council pupils visit Bexley Civic Offices and Westminster to learn about local authorities and parliament to learn about the role each have in ensuring Bexley and the UK are safe places to live.