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Brampton Primary Academy

Educating, Enriching and Empowering for the Future

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Wider Opportunities for Promoting Tolerance


Religious Education

In a pupil and parent/carer survey conducted in 2021-2022, RE was the least valued subject in the curriculum; therefore, the aim for 2021-2022 & 2022-2023 was/is to raise the profile of, and ensure the Brampton community appreciates the value of, RE.


Brampton’s RE curriculum is in line with the Bexley Locally Agreed Syllabus.

As recommended, Brampton’s curriculum ensures pupils learn about five of the six major world religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism and Buddhism) and other worldviews, including Humanism with the aim of developing pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the beliefs and practices of followers of those religions and worldviews as well as and encouraging pupils to consider their personal beliefs about important life questions. The curriculum is complemented by trips to the places of worship of the major world religions.


World Religion Day

World Religion Day is to be acknowledged at Brampton to provide pupils and their families with an opportunity to appreciate the similarities and differences between the six major world religions.



Each week, a whole-school assembly is delivered to pupils from Year 1 to Year 6, with Reception pupils joining the assembly from Autumn Term 2 onwards. Occasionally it is appropriate to deliver an assembly, due to the nature of the topic, to one key stage only. The assembly programme topics are planned termly to reflect current affairs, including religious and cultural celebrations. The programme changes yearly to broaden the range of topic covered; however, there some assemblies take place annually to ensure pupils receive a reminder of important events.


Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

Brampton’s Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are appointed to prevent bullying behaviour at Brampton. The representatives receive Anti-Bullying and Anti-Racism training from The Diana Award to enable them to have a better understanding of their role. To achieve the award, pupils complete projects throughout the year, such as planning Anti-Bullying Week.


Anti-Bullying Week & Diversity Day

Anti-Bullying Week takes place annually to ensure the Brampton community is aware of the school’s approach to tackling bullying. This year’s week will focus on promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion, and the week’s learning and activities will culminate in Diversity Day in which pupils will celebrate the diversity within the school.


Spanish (Years 3-6) & Spanish Day

Pupils study Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish) from Year 3 onwards. We believe studying a Modern Foreign Language and learning about the cultural of the countries in which it is the native language fosters pupils’ appreciation for diversity.