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Snacks & Lunches



At Brampton, pupils have a snack during the morning breaktime (10:30-10:45am). The government provides free fruit and vegetables to pupils in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 as part of the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme. The fruit and vegetables provided vary according to seasonal availability but often includes one or two of the following options per week:


  • Apples 
  • Pears
  • Bananas
  • Satsumas or tangerines 
  • Tomatoes
  • Sugar Snap Peas
  • Small cucumbers
  • Raisins


In KS2, pupils may bring a snack to school to enjoy at breaktime. Snacks must be fruit or vegetables, and can include the following:


  • Fresh fruit or vegetables 
  • Pots of fruit
  • Dried fruit, such as raisins or sultanas


Snacks must not be fruit-based products, such as Fruit Winders, as these products are often high in sugar. 


School Dinners


At Brampton, the school dinner catering team is employed by the school so that they are part of the staff team and follow the policies and procedures of the school rather than those of an outside company. The number of staff members that opt for a school dinner is testimony to the quality and value of the school dinners!  


School dinners served at Brampton meet school food standards. Food and drink provided to pupils is nutritious and of high quality; promotes good nutritional health; protects those who are nutritionally vulnerable; and promotes good eating behaviour.


Read more about standards for school food in England here: Standards for School Food in England


Brampton's two-week rolling seasonal menu, which changes three times a year to make use of good quality seasonal produce, is available to download below. Produce is sourced locally where possible. The Pupil School Council meets with the catering team to design the menu. 


Each day, the menu includes:


  • Main meal
  • Vegetarian option 
  • Lighter bite
  • Dessert
  • Fruit
  • Salad cart
  • Water or milk


The cost of a Brampton school dinner is £2.40 per day and is payable via our online payment platform - Parent Pay. 


Pupils are not required to have school dinners every day - they may choose to alternate between school dinners and packed lunch. Pupils order their school dinner each morning when their class teacher takes the lunch register, and they should inform their class teacher as to whether they would like the main, vegetarian, or lighter bite option at the time of ordering. 

Packed Lunches


As an alternative to a school dinner, pupils may bring a packed lunch to school. It is important that packed lunches also meet school food standards and provide pupils with a nutritiously-balanced meal at lunchtime.