Parent/Carer Council
What is the Parent/Carer Council?
The Parent Council is a body of parents/carers elected by the parents/carers of children in each class to represent the parents/carers. It provides a forum for parents/carers to put forward their views to the Headteacher and is a more accessible way to involve parents/carers and allow them to help influence decisions made by the school.
The Parent/Carer Council works in partnership with the school to:
- Create a welcoming school which is inclusive of all parents/carers promoting partnership between the school, its pupils and its parents/carers.
- Develop and engage in activities that support the education and welfare of the pupils.
- Identify and represent the views of parents/carers on matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupils.
The Governing body remains the decision-making body and provides a strategic leadership of the school while Parent Council has a consultative role. The following is a non-exhaustive list of the matters on which the Parent Council can provide a forum for consultation and advice:
- Policies, procedures and protocols which affect the day- to -day operation of the school e.g. uniform, extra-curricular activities.
- Systems of communication between the school and parents on matters concerning the operation of the school.
- Matters designed to foster greater parental participation and engagement in the education of pupils by all parents, i.e. family learning sessions.
Some topics cannot be addressed by the parent council and should be referred directly by individual parents to the class teacher in the first instance. This includes matters associated with:
- Issues relating to individual children or staff.
- Individual complaints or grievances.
How is this achieved?
The Parent/Carer Council will be the forum for gathering, discussing and conveying parental views of the school. It will be involved in identifying priorities for the school development plan and making recommendations to the senior leadership team.
The Parent/Carer Council will meet termly. Meetings will be minuted and available to all parents/carers and the Senior Leadership Team. Meetings will be conducted in a positive spirit, be constructive and solution focused. The impact of its work and Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually by the Parent/Carer Council at the end of each academic year.