Welcome to Brampton Primary Academy, a successful two-form entry primary school serving families from across the London Borough of Bexley since the school's opening in 1935.
At Brampton, we strongly believe that every child deserves the best possible education and enrichment opportunities and to feel empowered so that they are able to fulfil their potential. Our children have high aspirations and we recognise the important role we have as their primary school in providing strong foundations for the futures they envisage. Every member of staff is committed to providing a nurturing, inclusive learning environment in which we can develop the whole child and create life-long learners who strive for excellence and are well equipped for the next stage of their education and beyond.
We know success for our children is best achieved with the collaboration and determination of all members of the Brampton community, from children and their families to staff, governors, Friends of Brampton volunteers, and REAch2. At Brampton, we work together, supporting each other, to achieve our shared aims.
We encourage you to explore our website and read about our school; however, the best way to find out what we offer to Brampton families is to visit and meet our children and staff. You are very welcome to contact Mrs Buckner in the main office via 0208 303 2873 or admin@bramptonacademy.org to book a place on our scheduled tours or to arrange a visit.
We look forward to your visit.
Warm wishes,
Ms Winter-Nolan, Headteacher