Democracy PSHE Links
Wider Opportunities for Promoting Democracy
Pupil Leadership Teams The school has a Pupil Leadership Team with over 80 roles available. Appointment is either through a ballot or application, or pupils are selected on merit:
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School Council | Reading Leaders | Eco Champions | Anti-Bullying Ambassadors | Sport Mentors | Year 6 Prefects |
(Ballot) | (Ballot) | (Application) | (Application) | (Merit) | (Merit) |
Representatives are identifiable by tie or badge. To raise the profile or the roles and to demonstrate their importance, parents/carers are invited to an assembly at the start of the academic year in which representatives are informed of their appointment and are presented with their tie or badge. Pupil Leadership Teams meet at least termly, setting an action plan at the start of the academic year and then working towards their goals throughout the year. Trips are planned for each team to support pupils’ understanding of their role.
In particular, the School Council is representative of the democratic process. Appointment is through a ballot, giving all pupils the opportunity to experience the voting process. Class representatives then regularly gather the views and suggestions of their class and bring these to School Council meetings. As far as is practicable, the views and suggestions of pupils inform the school’s policies, procedures and practices. In addition, School Council representatives visit the local Bexley Civic Offices to meet with Local Authority representatives and Westminster for a tour to further develop their understanding of their role, the role of the Local Authority and the Government, and democracy.
Pupil Voice & Pupil Surveys Pupil voice and pupil surveys are conducted at various points in the year with the purpose of obtaining the views and suggestions of all Brampton pupils. As far as is practicable, the results of pupil voice and pupil surveys inform policy, procedure, and practice. Pupils are made aware of how they have influenced decisions in school: for example, School Council conducted a whole-school survey to find out which promises the pupils preferred when relaunching 11B411 (the school’s programme of curriculum-enhancing activities). The results of the survey informed the School Council’s decision for the 11 promises (activities) the pupils at Brampton participate in. The results of the survey were announced in an assembly delivered by School Council.
Local Elections The school is used by the local authority as a polling station for local elections. The school remains open with safeguarding procedures in place. Pupils are made aware that parts of the school are closed, and amendments are made to the school day for the election. |