Online Safety
Online Safety
The online world offers great benefits to us all. We work online, shop online, socialise online, and learn online. And where would we have been without it during the pandemic? Unfortunately, it present great risks too, particularly for children who are less equipped to deal with difficulties they may experience online than we are.
As a school, we play a key role in keeping children safe online. Through our curriculum and assemblies, we teach our children how to navigate the online world safely, and we have SENSO software and filtering systems on all our in-school devices to keep track of our children’s online activity and to prevent them from accessing inappropriate content.
As a parent/carer, you too play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online. You don’t need to be an expert on the subject - our advice and resources are here to support you as you support your child to use the internet safely, responsibility and positively.
Recently, we held our Online Safety Parent Workshop. Below is a copy of the slides from the meeting.
Each week, we share an online safety guide from National Online Safety to help parents/carers understand the websites and apps their child may be using.
If you need more support in keeping your child safe online, please don’t hesitate in contacting your child’s class teacher, or you can contact the Safeguarding Team via