PE & Sport Premium
All schools have a central role to play in supporting all pupils to live healthy active lives. This is particularly true of primary schools where the foundations of positive and enjoyable participation in regular physical activity should be established.
The DfE states that all primary school pupils must have access to at least 30 minutes of physical activity during the school day, alongside high-quality PE provision taught by confident and knowledgeable teachers and opportunities to experience and participate in a wide range of sport and physical activities. PE and sport premium grant funding is used by schools to meet these aims.
At Brampton, PE is taught by Mr Makinde. Mr Makinde is a qualified sports coach who specialises in football and athletics. Miss O'Reilly is Brampton's PE Leader, responsible for overseeing the teaching of PE, and she specialises in gymnastics.
Each year group has a weekly lesson with Mr Makinde:
Reception - Mondays (pm)
Year 1 - Tuesdays (pm)
Year 2 - Wednesdays (pm)
Year 3 - Thursdays (pm)
Year 4 - Tuesdays (am)
Year 5 - Thursdays (am)
Year 6 - Wednesdays (am)
In addition to the weekly PE lesson, pupils have access to a wide range of sporting activities during break and lunchtimes and after-school clubs.
Department for Education Guidance
Schools must use funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of physical education, sport and physical activity they provide.
This means that schools must use the Primary PE and sport premium to:
- Build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years
- Develop or add to the physical education, sport and physical activity that they already offer.
The DFE states that schools should use the PE and sport premium to secure improvements in the following 5 key indicators:
- Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
- Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
- The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
- Broader experience of a range of sports and physical activities offered to all pupils
- Increased participation in competitive sport.
Schools are required to publish details of how they have spent the funding allocation and the impact it has had on pupils PE and sport participation and attainment.
PE and sport premium for primary schools - GOV.UK (
Brampton Primary Academy Allocation, Spend and Review 2021-2022
The funding allocation that Brampton Primary Academy received for the last academic year 2021-2022 was £19,230.
The percentage of pupils within our Year 6 cohort 2021-2022 who met the National Curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety:
Brampton Primary Academy Allocation, Spend and Review 2022-2023
Funding received is based on the number of pupils in years 1 to 6.
The funding allocation that Brampton Primary Academy will receive for this academic year 2022-2023 is £19,140.
Brampton Primary Academy Allocation, Spend and Review 2023-2024
Funding received is based on the number of pupils in years 1 to 6.
The funding allocation that Brampton Primary Academy will receive for this academic year 2023-2024 is £19,330.
Brampton Primary Academy Allocation and Spend 2024-2025
Funding received is based on the number of pupils in years 1 to 6.
The funding allocation that Brampton Primary Academy will receive for this academic year 2024-2025 is £19,370.