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Public Sector Equality Duty

At Brampton Primary Academy we aim to meet our obligations under the public sector equality duty by having due regard for the need to:

  • Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010

  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it

  • Foster good relations across all characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it 


What is the Public Sector Equality Duty

The Public Sector Equality Duty requires public bodies to promote equality.  The relevant protected characteristics are:

  • age

  • disability

  • gender reassignment

  • pregnancy and maternity

  • race

  • religion or belief

  • sex

  • sexual orientation


Legislation and guidance

Department for Education guidance: The Equality Act 2010 and schools.


Roles and responsibilities

The governing board will:

  • Ensure that the equality information and objectives are published and communicated throughout the school, including to staff, pupils and parents

  • Delegate responsibility for monitoring the achievement of the objectives on a daily basis to the headteacher

The SLT will:

  • Promote knowledge and understanding of the equality objectives amongst staff and pupils

  • Monitor success in achieving the objectives and report back to governors

  • Ensure there is an annual focus on one of the nine protected characteristics


How does Brampton Primary Academy comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty

The school has a range of policies that make reference to the school’s commitment to actively promote equality of opportunity for all. The main policies that make reference to equality of opportunity are: 

  • Relationships and Sex Education Policy

  • SEND Policy

  • Anti Bullying and Racism Policy


Brampton Primary Academy prides itself on being an inclusive school that cares for every individual pupil. In doing so, we promote and deliver a range of strategies to ensure that we comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty.   This is explored during our assemblies and through our curriculum. We give all of our pupils the opportunity to discuss and explore the values that underpin the Public Sector Equality Duty.